
What Effect Does SEO Have On Your Search?

How does SEO effect search


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George Panayides

Digital Marketing Specialist

What Effect Does SEO Have On Your Search?

The Art of Making Google Think You're Relevant

Ok, everyone wants to know if SEO is worth it, and what it can do for your business, right? So I thought I’d break down some of the areas that you can benefit from in search engines, from doing SEO.

Firstly, I just want to say that when it comes to SEO in search, it needs to be done correctly. If you look to use black hat techniques, this might have a negative effect on your SEO and website. 

However, if you choose to do white hat techniques then most likely you will see a huge increase in traffic and sales from your website through search engines. 

Now, to answer your question directly, SEO will have a very positive impact on your website’s search results. As the definition of SEO is Search Engine Optimisation, it explains how you optimise your site to rank better in users searches. 

(I’ve actually written a blog about what SEO is, so feel free to read that). 

As an SEO specialist, I’ve seen this first hand with many of my own sites, but also with my customers’ sites as well. We’ve been able to see huge benefits ranging from sales increases, visibility increases and even PR and partnership increases. 

So, let’s jump into more details about how seo can affect your websites search results and go over a few ways that you can put yourself in a good position to start gaining traffic.  

If you’ve already heard enough and want to start getting the same results as my customers, don’t hesitate to book a free strategy call with me. 

Quick summary:

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, affects search by enhancing your site’s organic visibility and user experience on search engines like Google. This leads to increased website traffic and potentially more sales, as higher rankings position you prominently where active users are looking to buy.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Will Increase Your Online Visibility

Simply put, by doing SEO you will increase your visibility in search engines such as Google or Bing. When you optimise your site for search engines, they will begin to recognise your content and website as helpful. 

As a result of this, they will begin to show your site and content more in the search. You’re allowing search engines like Google to understand what your website is all about, what services or products you offer, and how relevant and reliable your content is.

Why is visibility important? Well, let’s be honest If you’re not visible, you’re virtually non-existent in the digital world. And in today’s age, that’s not where you want to be.

In fact, a study shows that “3.99% of search traffic” goes to the second page of Google. This could mean your business misses out on a whole lot of sales and profit. 

So to summarise, SEO is going to make your website much more visible to search engines and this will mean more users will click to your website and either buy or request more information on your products or services. 

Seems like a win win to me. 

Search visibility being increase due to SEO

By Doing SEO, You Will Increase Your Search Rankings

Rankings. That big word. Everyone wants to get better rankings online because (state the obvious) with more rankings comes more traffic which comes more sales. 

Now you may be thinking that rankings are essentially the same thing as visibility. Close, but not quite. Increasing your rankings in search means that you are pushing further and further up on the page above your competitions. 

Being on that front page makes your site the place to be. It puts you right where the action is for users who want to buy. I’ve had customers’ websites that have been sitting on page 2. They are visible, but they are not getting the traffic ranking they want. 

But, when we optimised their site for search using SEO, it resulted in the hot ready to buy traffic visiting their sites giving them a good chance to convert them into paying customers. 

So, if you are in a position where your website is visible, but not really getting the ready to buy traffic to make sales or leads, you should be considering SEO as a part of your search strategy to increase your online growth. 

Again, to summarise in a very simple term; SEO will increase your search rankings.

SEO Will Strengthen Your Credibility In Search Engines & With Customer

This is a good one, and often overlooked. SEO will actually increase your credibility online. People tend to trust organic results on search engines. In fact, a study showed that 81.8% of users trust the results on Google. 

Well, this means that if you are ranking high on search from SEO, you can expect people to trust your products or service. Automatically, your brand will gain a huge boost in credibility from search engines. 

I’ll give you a prime example of this. With my clients we did SEO and blog creation through my structured content writing guidelines. Their website users then read the blogs, articles and content we have produced coming from my client as an expert. 

Now, when they come to contact my clients they always say; “Wow, we read your blog and we really love your points. We want to go with you”. This has positioned my client as an expert in the industry, and through ranking well in search increased their credibility. 

Overall, this again means more sales, less objections, increased revenue and brand awareness. 

More credible experience from google search due to seo

This won’t work for bad services or products

Now, that’s not to say that if you are ranking number #1 you can provide a bad service and expect to still be credible. 

Although SEO will increase your credibility through search, you can easily lose it by providing a bad service or product. The same applies for your content and website. If it performs badly, you will likely lose credibility on both search and people using your site. 

You need to be providing a genuine product or service that people are actually happy with or else you lose your credibility in search engines from bad reviews or high bounce rates.

You Can Enhance Your Websites User Experience In Search With SEO

This one is perfect for platforms, blogs, e-commerce sites and even some service based sites. Anything where users might return. As owners of these sites, you probably know that you want your user experience to be top notch. 

However, how can you ever improve on your UX without having the data and traffic going to your site in the first place. SEO can help send traffic to your site for you to then collect data, and optimise your user experience. 

You can look at tools like Google analytics, Hotjar and other factors to set up heat maps, tracking codes and analyse metrics like time on page, bounce rates, exit rates and engagement rates. 

Paid traffic tells a very different story to organic traffic. Therefore, you can get a much bigger picture when you are analysing data from search to help optimise your user experience. 

Let’s not forget, better user experience means more traffic and higher rankings in search engines as well. It’s like it all comes together like a jigsaw puzzle, right?

SEO Can Also Improve The Quality Of Search Traffic Going To Your Website

Quality of traffic is a very important factor when it comes to search. Let’s be realistic, you don’t want traffic coming to your site that is totally irrelevant or spammy. They will leave quickly and give your site a very bad bounce rate and engagement rate (which can lower your search rankings). 

So, if you do the correct SEO you can see an increase in the right audience from your search traffic who are likely to engage with your site and likely to convert into customers. 

Going back to what I mentioned above, black hat SEO may lead to low quality traffic and spam, but white hat SEO will certainly lead to high quality, useful search traffic. 

And don’t forget about those longer search phrases, called long-tail keywords. They help you reach people who are searching for exactly what you have to offer.

Lastly, questions. Answering your customers’ questions through contents like FAQ’s and blogs can attract the right type of audience to your website who are in the research stage. These people might gain trust from your content and decide they want to buy. 

So yes, SEO will attract the right type of search traffic to your website. 

increased quality of search traffic shown by seo

You Will Get a Competitive Advantage In Search Engines From Doing SEO

Quite obvious, but of course one to mention. SEO will give your search results a competitive edge over other businesses offering the same product or service as you. I love this one, because my mission is to make businesses an industry leader. 

How do I do this? With white hat SEO, I rank my clients to the top of the page meaning they are above all of their competition. Not only do people click on their site more, but they also trust their service more. 

Now, this goes for many different factors as well. If you are ranking #1 for over 50 different topics in search, then your business will be dominating the market share over your competitors. 

That’s why topic clusters are also a great area to cover. Choose a niche topic your business is an expert in and write multiple articles about subtopics within your main topic. When your customers search and see that you are always #1 for their questions, they will choose you over your competition. 

So again to summarise for you, SEO will give you a competitive edge in your search results.

Finally, SEO Can Be a Cost Effective Way To Get More Search Traffic To Your Site

Lastly, SEO is going to be very cost effective compared to getting paid search traffic to your website. Let’s also not forget that if you do white hat SEO, it tends to be pretty permanent. 

I’ve got customers who I worked on their SEO 2 years ago, and due to the white hat techniques they are still ranking #1 now without much optimisation being done. This saves them a considerable amount that they would be spending on Google ads or paid advertising.

(Also, I’ve created a review on the performance max campaign for Google ads, if you are running one or considering it you should definitely read that before).  

Once you are in a good position, you can maintain this through getting backlinks and securing your domain and page as a high authority page. 

Don’t forget, the users coming from search are usually in the process or wanting to buy, or ready to buy. This means the traffic coming from SEO is cost effective, and also high converting. 

That means it’s one of the best avenues for return on investment. If you know the right way on how to monetise your site and search traffic, you can see returns within 6 months or less. 

How Does SEO Effect Your Business?

Ok, let’s keep this direct and simple. It’s almost like a workflow or a step by step process. 

SEO increases your website traffic.
More visitors eagerly click through who are keen to explore what you offer.
This increased traffic leads to a boost in sales or leads generation.
These potential customers are often ready to make a purchase, which means more sales for you.

As sales rise, so does your business revenue. It’s a clear sign of SEO’s strong impact on your financial success. Your online presence is going to start growing too. Your brand is now becoming more visible, more recognised, and more trusted online.

SEO is going to place you at the top of the search engines. That means you’re going to become an industry leader and capture market share from your competition, or even dominate them. 

So, there is a lot of things that SEO can do to effect your business and all of them are extremely positive. 


So, I guess we’ve got through my favourite factors that show what effect SEO has on your search. You will see more results, visibility, and even partnerships with in-direct competition or businesses who can see you’d be right for a collab. 

In my experience, I know that SEO can only benefit your search results and in fact if you don’t do any SEO, you may find your search will become less and less being pushed further down the Google rankings. 

In this day and age, that is not a nice place to be 😆. 

The game’s always changing, but the fundamentals stay the same. Master those, and you’ll not only get ahead but you will likely stay ahead. You can follow the latest Google algorithm updates here. 

So, whether you’re just dipping your toes into the digital ocean or looking to make some serious waves, SEO can be your most powerful ally.

Anyway, if you like what I’m talking about then don’t hesitate to contact me for a chat, or even leave me some nice friendly comments below.


About The Author

George Panayides is a digital marketing specialist, focusing on SEO, Google ads, Social media marketing, website development and link building. He’s looking to help other freelancers or business owners become a master in their industry and move towards a better, more successful future.

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